Recipes by their Ingredients

sweet paprika

  • Orange Sauce (for Orange Chicken)

    Orange Sauce

    Orange Sauce (for Orange Chicken) (Serves)

    ½ cup oyster sauce
    ½ cup sugar
    3 oz orange juice
    3 oz rice wine vinegar
    1 tblsp cornstarch, (mixed into the rice wine vinegar as a slurry)
    2 tblsp soy sauce
    1 tblsp hoisin sauce
    1½ tsp sweet paprika
    1 drop red food coloring, optional


    Mix rice wine vinegar with corn starch, set aside. Mix all ingredients together, warm up on low heat, add the cornstarch/vinegar slurry, mix well, slowly bring up the heat until the desired consistency, a fairly thick sauce. Serve over crispy fried chicken and steamed broccoli and fried rice, garnish with some chopped green onions.