Recipes by their Ingredients

sweetened condensed milk

  • Mayonnaise, Vietnamese

    Mayonnaise, Vietnamese
    Mayonnaise, Vietnamese
    (Serves )

    3 egg yolks
    1 garlic clove, minced
    1 tblsp sweetened condensed milk
    pinch of salt
    1 cup vegetable oil
    1 tsp lemon juice

    NOTES: To make regular American mayonnaise, add a tsp of mustard (Dijon or yellow is fine) before streaming the oil in and omit the garlic, salt and sweetened condensed milk. Only mustard, egg yolks and oil. Always use an oil that is neutral, do not use extra virgin olive oil or olive oil. Add 3 or 4 cloves of minced garlic to your American mayonnaise recipe and you now have Aoili (garlic mayo).

    Add the minced garlic to a food processor and then the three egg yolks and lemon juice, turn the processor on high and once the yolks are mixed up start to drizzle the oil in very slowly and sparsely at first, once the mayo starts to come together you can increase the stream of oil, but still slowly. Once the oil is finished you should have a creamy may, now add in the sweetened condensed milk and the salt. Lasts about a week covered in the refrigerator.